Quick vote link is here at www.ravenectar.com/vote
So I was hard at work in November and December of 2013 after I contacted a company called RaveNecater to try and get some of my artwork on to t-shirts. Their company model is really cool, and any artist in their store gets 20% of each shirt sale! I was actually a funder for their kickstarter program, so I had been getting bits and pieces as to how they were doing for a while now. After contemplating talking with them for a solid 3 months, I finally had the guts to offer up my portfolio, and I was pleasantly surprised when they said they digged some of my artwork and were interested in putting together some shirts!
So from the three drawings we decided on that we both liked, I started going to town on the designs. My photoshop skills were a bit rusty, but thanks to a class at Community College I took a long time ago I was back in action in only about a week.
My first shirt design started with the picture below:
I created lots of tiled versions of this file, 1×1, 2×1’s, 2×2’s, and even a 4×4 and we finally settled on a color AND a greyscale version of them. Below are the final designs of Immiscible Colors and Immiscible Greys!
I think they both came out really well! They are both the same design and we toyed with different ones, but I am glad we settled on this one.
The next shirt design I created utilized the following original pattern:
I had no idea what to do, until I came to the conclusion of just putting them everywhere and all over the place, making smaller and smaller ones to try and fill in the gaps. When I finally was done with that, I went in a manipulated each of the individual triangles to fill in the remaining spaces. I think this one ended up being my favorite, simply because of the way it fractures and spins around. The final design for Multiversal is below:
The last design I envisioned started with the following drawing I made prior:
What I wanted to do was expand this out fully, fill in all of the missing pieces, and fill the entire shirt with it. Easy right? Not really, but photoshop helps a lot with the whole process. I really like the way Orbital Plane turned out as well:
So after those 4 designs were finalized and completed. The next step was to size them. Now, that isn’t necessarily as easy as you think, considering the Men’s and Women’s templates are actually very different. The Women’s one had one less size, but was much taller than the Mens, so I did have to go in and do some manual tweaking to the designs. I custom-sized every shirt to make sure it was up to my standards on that amount of the particular pattern I wanted on the shirt. Some were easy, and others were a pain, but I ended up doing all 6 Men’s sizes (XXXL – S) and 5 Women’s sizes (XL – XS) for all 4 patterns; in total 44 shirts! Yikes!
So here ends my story. If you have read this far then I wold very much appreciate you going and voting for the designs you think are the best over at www.ravenectar.com/vote.
I would like to thank Jordan and Sandra over at RaveNectar for this amazing opportunity, without their vision none of this would have ever been possible! I would also like to thank Maxine for taking all of the really nice and high quality photos of my drawings, instead of the crappy ones I use on here.
Thank you all for your votes!
I used to see shit just like the shirt designs. A couple of six packs usually did it.
They look great Madison. Keep up the good work! Aunt Jenny