Day of doodling last weekend

Last weekend I sat down and decided I would start something completely random and just draw for the whole day straight. I wanted to do something unplanned and spontaneous, and this post is about what I came up with.

Here is the drawing I came up with in the end:


While I like it, I also wanted so much more out of it. Frankly if I hadn’t made so many mistakes I think it would have came out a lot more detailed and together, but in the end I spent a bunch of time just figuring out “Oh crap I screwed that up, now how do I fix it?” The solid lines outward were not even meant to be solid, and in the end the white/colored lines was the only decent solution without trashing the whole drawing.

I tried to also do everything freehanded, and you can clearly see that in the lopsided spiral going out. It was hard to judge when I am sitting so close, and with a drawing fairly big (19×22″) my judgement was not very good. I ended up caving an using a ruler for the straight lines coming out, as they were too wobbly for my liking. Maybe it is just me being finicky, but I seem to be attracted towards creating very precisely defined and neat drawings.

I also came to the conclusion that I really like doing the mosaic pattern you see in the shades of blue. There is something about them that I find oddly satisfying, and I am going to do something more with them in the future.

As an unintended goal of this day of drawing, and looking at the final result of it, I have found new inspiration for my next couple pieces. They are going to be a lot more planned out, as I already have two in mind! I still need to do a colored version of Binary Fracture, and I am thinking about doing a spiral with a mosaic pattern as well.